Xenoverse has been good at catering to these fans by providing GT characters a chance to shine once more. It patches up a core, persistent problem with the English version of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 that many players no doubt will find essential to maintaining immersion. This glitch is patched up with this important mod. One problem with Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is that the English audio tends to switch with certain characters to Japanese audio. However, when one gets a chance to look at all the modding content available for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2a few core mods rise to the surface. As a result, it can be a little overwhelming to select the best games from the list. When Xenoverse 2 was ported to PC, modders immediately went to work expanding the game beyond its core components, adding in new material to make the already expansive game even larger. It feels like there are unlimited possibilities ahead when you boot up the game. While not the best Dragon Ball game, it is one of the most versatile and fun.

It's a delightful toy-box RPG fighting game, if there ever existed one. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is one of the most popular Dragon Ball games ever made.