The items dropped at the checkpoint will be there on the ground, and those items will also be in your inventory. Load the checkpoint before the counter finishes.
After dying, you will see a respawn counter. Repeat this process as many times as desiredInfinite shotgun ammo Proceed through the main story missions until you have access to Palanai Military Outpost in HendersonIf you restart the last checkpoint and it spawns you back in the quarantine zone, reset the game"Increased Max Craft & Medkit Stacks to 999999 for all charactersYou will reappear at the checkpointI'm going to rip this apart to see how you got it working :p the Dev id thing not sure where he got, but using the Paths is smart 05-16-2013, 09:06 AM #8 Sonoro I like anteaters Sonoro I like anteaters 1,157 Posts 27,323 Reputation 129 Credits Former Staff Mar 2012 NextGenUpdate Originally Posted by Uncle Tustin Good workInfinite LAW rocket launcher ammo Proceed through the main story missions until you have access to Henderson Ferry StationYou can use the Hot Rod Mod to create the Hot Rod Macheteagain thanks for the workLoad the checkpoint before the counter finishesDEAD ISLAND: THE DAY OF RECKONING size FIX DEAD ISLAND StarvingZombies: THE DAY OF RECKONING Script "DeadIsland STARVING ZOMBIES Multiplayer"Runs best on HiVelocity Hosting.Reach a checkpoint, then drop the items you want to duplicate onto the ground near where the checkpoint was triggered. Dead Island Riptide Mods Xbox 360 Download - ĭead Island Riptide Mods Xbox 360 DownloadĪfter collecting the blades, fast travel to a different location and back or go to a Dead Zone for the blades to respawnYou'll find the Medieval Mod blueprint in the corner, beside the crateShe will then ask you to bring back any canned foods that you find05-16-2013, 03:50 AM #3 Deadl圜ObraXXX Haxor! Deadl圜ObraXXX Haxor! 35 Posts 1,385 Reputation 0 Credits Member May 2013 NextGenUpdate You're welcome :P 05-16-2013, 04:43 AM #4 XxUnkn0wnxX F4LLEN ANG3L XxUnkn0wnxX F4LLEN ANG3L 1,022 Posts 6,436 Reputation 330 Credits Elite Member Jun 2010 NextGenUpdate good job how did u get almost all menu's 2 work? because when i replaced other files outside the in game menu it never worked 4 me.You can find the questgiver survivor, Eva here as wellStriker Shotgun Mod Found in the entrance of the cellarHalai Survivor's Camp Champion: Ogre Location: When you go to save Marcus, you will find Joe the butcher around that areaalthough i havent tested it yetIt has an adventure element to it which is what makes games fun